Notwithstanding the exponentiality of AI, these confounding complexities of the brain, intelligence and consciousness signal that humanity may be camped at the 4IR for quite some time. On the other hand, successive industrial revolutions have progressively shortened by half their respective eras. Should this trend hold, 5IR may be upon humanity sooner rather than later. It is a wait-and-see situation.
Regardless of the time factor, one thing remains clear. Once the intricacies and inter-relational dynamics of the brain and/or consciousness are unraveled, 5IR will then begin to take shape, format and substance. And the Fifth Industrial Revolution may just go down as the greatest time ever in the history of mankind.
Author Sheida Mutuku
Chief Executive Officer
Woodside Africa Group LLC
The First Industrial Revolution (1IR) was sparked by the steam engine and lasted for 200 years. Considered to be one of the greatest periods in history, the Second Industrial Revolution (2IR) – powered by expansion of electricity – subsequently stretched for 100 years. The telephone, radio, autocars, airplane, internal combustion engine, light bulb and even aspirin are some of the greatest inventions of this time. For 50 years, the Information Age, through computers and the internet, defined the Third Industrial Revolution (3IR). Artificial Intelligence now dominates the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The assumption is that the 4IR will be a much shorter stint, as the world waits with bated breath to see what the tide will bring in with the Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR).
Various theories swirl around the 5IR. The most prevalent is the emergence of super-humans with mind control. This is through merging of AI technology with the human brain. Known as Brain Computer Interface (BCI), this technology allows one to operate machines using their thoughts. Currently in experimental stages, a chip is implanted into the brain, under the scalp or in a wearable format to activate these abilities. This is truly phenomenal. BUT. It is basically just a more advanced and intricate AI invention, and does not really qualify as the Fifth Industrial Revolution.
Here’s a thought on 5IR. AI will probably discover inventions that understand a lot more of the brain beyond the current 10%. This shortens the path towards the singularity, which is the point where machines will reach and surpass human intelligence. Post the singularity, the world will truly then have ushered in the 5th Industrial Revolution. No one knows what will happen beyond the singularity, or even if humanity will survive. Based on this scenario, one plausible thought is that 5IR will be powered by super intelligent machines.
AI may also discover how to create the elusive consciousness. It may further definitively establish the relationship between the brain and consciousness. This would be a game changer. It means consciousness can be installed into everything at a whim. A living car. A living house. A living missile. A living robot. In this scenario some intrigues arise. Will consciousness ‘walk’ around freely without a vessel? Will humanity be immortalised by the ability to transfer their consciousness from feeble bodies into machines/artificial robots/other stronger human bodies? If consciousness is the elixir of the Fifth Industrial Revolution, will immortality be one of the greatest inventions of this era?
Mainstream religion is adamant that consciousness is God’s secret, and will never be manufactured. It is playing God. They balk outright at the blasphemous heights of these thoughts, utterances, and attempts. Scientists insist it is only a matter of time before this whole mystery is unraveled and backed up with hard data. Then everyone can move on to the next thing. They are hell bent on a conclusive discovery and will go to the ends of the earth to pin this down. Spiritualists are curious to understand the universe and retreat into quiet observation through the third eye as they adopt impossible stances in deep meditation.