What would be the color of a world full of love? Would it be a vibrant red…pregnant with passion? Or a peaceful green…abound with endless tranquility. Would it be a delightful yellow…full of good cheer? Or a stunning black…exuding sophistication and elegance…
Carrying a population of almost 8 billion people, the world is bound to be ridden with extreme complexities. Because each of these souls, as uniquely different as they come, seek to express their individuality on the world’s canvas. The stretch of this canvas – expansive or limited – is determined by worldviews based on personal convictions and beliefs.
Religion particularly has always been a contentious issue. The fault lines continue to widen across Africa. Factions lay claim to a more superior ideology – and therefore a more superior god. Woe unto anyone who is irreligious – ranging from atheism to agnostic to deism to pantheism to non-religious spirituality. They must be the devil’s own spawn…or so they are judged and condemned.
LGBTQ – another emotive issue – is considered as scandalous as is taboo. Homophobia is ingrained in Africa’s cultures and adopted religions. It elicits confusion, ostracization, incarceration for life and in many instances – death through mob justice.
With unbridled passion, an African President once brayed on international television, ‘They (homosexuals) are disgusting. What sort of people are they? I never knew what they were doing. I’ve been told recently that what they do is terrible. Disgusting.’ The statesman went on to categorically declare that there is no proof that homosexuals were ‘abnormal’ products of nature. He was defending his position just after signing into law a decree that made homosexual acts punishable by life imprisonment.
The generational conditioning against sexual alternative lifestyles runs deep – defying any attempts for free thought and sober approach on the matter. Whole communities are forced to migrate, go into hiding, conform or adopt an activist stance – putting their lives in serious jeopardy.
Add tribalism, misogyny, colorism and racism to this explosive cocktail of sexuality and religion, and the frailty of humanity is revealed. Ready to be torn apart at the slightest provocation by manipulative human elements who fuel hate, divisiveness and inequality.
Indeed, at the root of all atrocities in the world – big and small – lies a divisive political leader, or a greedy businessman, or a hate-mongering parent, or a fanatical man-of-the-cloth.
Yet when the seemingly chaotic differences and endless diversity of humanity are blended on the world’s canvas – the result is a stunning, irreplicable piece of art. A remarkable depiction of a harmonious and thriving world.
In striving to achieve this ideal world, Anwar launched Bougroug – a genderless fashion, accessories and lifestyle label. He purposely positioned his eponymous entrepreneurial venture as a sustainability-driven business; with the onerous purpose of encouraging diversity and equality throughout the world.
Excerpt From Anwar’s Story: ‘PILLARS OF AFRICA: They Dared To Dream’ – Compiled & Written by Sheida