As the general script of life unfolds, every human will occasionally and unwillfully find themselves in a dauntingly precarious place. None of it of their choosing. Depending on the given circumstances, they will conjure up the best available options to dislodge them of their predicament. All of their best-laid plans may stubbornly prove unyielding. It is often a bleak, rock-bottom moment.
As matters overwhelmingly come to a head, the most fascinating thing happens. The true, powerful nature of humans is revealed. They tap deep within their resolve, and draw on their awe-inspiring ability to create. By sheer force of will, and with nothing but their hearts and minds, they bring forth their heartfelt aspirations into physical existence. It is a beautiful moment to witness. Zameer, a 7th generation Kenyan, is a man who has beaten many odds…and mastered the art of willing the gods to bend to his wishes.
Excerpt From Zameer’s Story: ‘PILLARS OF AFRICA: They Dared To Dream’ – Compiled & Written by Sheida