On the momentous day that God created Olive, He must have been yearning to demonstrate to mankind the existence of untold abundance. For in Olive Gachara’s world, there are no limits. She spins venture after venture from a seemingly infinite yarn, lending an uplifting perspective to a world that is flooded with Armageddon fatigue.


Whilst on various farming expeditions in the company of her beloved mother to the outskirts of the city, a teenage and pouting Olive was unwittingly exposed to the dynamics of the rose cut-flower industry. Luscious rose flowers are known to adorn lavish banqueting tables, elegant and imposing interiors, and the arms of beautiful women the world over flush from the gesture of deep affection from their loved ones. The rich essence of these roses must have rubbed off on Olive, charting a pre-ordained destiny towards a world of fashion, sophisticated elegance and beauty.


Excerpt From Olive’s Story: PILLARS OF AFRICAThey Dared To Dream’ – Compiled & Written by Sheida