Racism. The idea that one can claim superiority, or feel inferior based on the color of their skin is simply preposterous. The minds that hatched and propagated racism had to have been acting from the deepest of insecurities; underlined by a serious case of sociopathy, greed and scarcity mentality. No other explanation can possibly exist. They must have been wicked to the very core of their being.


And one must also wonder, if humanity is generally thought to be fundamentally good, why was such a vice allowed to take root for centuries? Why did subsequent generations – spawned by the architects of racism – continue to take advantage of an unjust system? To the extent of refining and perfecting and thriving in it over time? If it was purely for economic gain, then intelligence was in short supply. Because it is a no brainer really…that any system that is founded on tyranny ultimately implodes – putting the perpetrators at a gross disadvantage.


The question also begs, why did the oppressed take an inordinately huge amount of time to concertedly fight back and achieve some level of triumph? The human spirit automatically knows and rejects oppression. In its quest to be free – to be at the very least, equal – it stands fearless against bullets and incarceration and torture.


That is why captured Africans jumped into the rough seas – to die rather than face the spectre of slavery. That is why enslaved black women sewed rice into their hair – to have nourishment on an anticipated long journey as they tried to escape the intolerable jurisdiction of Jim Crow laws. That is why school children in South Africa protested on the streets, and scores were mercilessly gunned down by apartheid bullets. Hence the Soweto Uprising. That is why the Kenyans took refuge in the forests, as they organized their Mau Mau freedom movement and meted terror against the colonialists in a successful quest for their independence. Nevertheless, why did liberation take that long…400 years of slavery? Hundreds of years of colonization? Decades of apartheid?


To completely stamp out racism in all its different guises and formations, it is crucial to find the real answers to these pertinent questions. And avert the possibilities of similar mental deformities resurfacing for both victims and perpetrators in future generations.


When racism threatened to curtail her rising career as a solicitor in the UK, Precious Gondwe immediately saw the situation for what it was. Unsavory competition at her workplace did not hesitate to use her race against her. She quickly removed herself from a toxic environment, and set out to prove to the world that she did not have to dim her light and diminish her presence for anyone. She knew that Africa is a land of great opportunity; and right from her little home city of Gaborone, she could beam her light at full glare and cast it all over the globe. Unapologetically.


Excerpt From Precious’ Story: ‘PILLARS OF AFRICA:  They Dared To Dream’ – Compiled & Written by Sheida